Tech Spirit Brokerage Event 2020, the best place for latest innovations and leading-edge technology
We regret to inform you that GSMA cancelled MWC 2020 and 4YFN events due to the Coronavirus outbreak. Read ACCIÓ’s Statement on the suspension of MWC 2020 and the 4YFN.
Despite this unfortunate event, the brokerage event organizers have decided to keep on with the Brokerage Event organization. Hence, the brokerage event will be held on February the 25th & 26th in the Golden Room at Casa Llotja de Mar.
Read in this article how we overcame the crisis and managed to relocate the brokerage event under the Tech Spirit Initiative.
The event is FREE of charge and needs no access ticket
Reach your business goals by joining us at the #TechSpiritBrokerageEvent!
The Brokerage event is a B2B matchmaking where 20-minute bilateral meetings are scheduled according to each participant availability, interests and goals to find international business and technology partners.
Click here to dowload the APP and manage your meetings easily.

Brokerage Event will be held on February the 25th & 26th
Do you have an innovative solution/technology?
STAY TUNED: Corporates and investors participate to the brokerage event searching for new technologies/solutions. Check here.

LOCATION: Golden Room in Casa Llotja de Mar - Passeig d'Isabel II, 1. Barcelona, 08003.

Why to participate?
- Identify potential international partners for future cooperation projects
- Get your personalised B2B agenda according to your interests & availability
- The Brokerage event is free of charge
The Brokerage event is organized by ACCIÓ, a department of the Catalan Government's Ministry of Enterprise and Labour, partnering with the Enterprise Europe Network, the largest business support network worldwide.
Follow us on Twitter at @eencat and #TechSpiritBrokerageEvent.